Wells Fargo Home Mortgage
Did you know dogs are one of the biggest reasons millennials buy a home, even over children or marriage? (I really wish I didn't relate to that stat but sadly I do). That’s why we created Sashimi. Part Husky. Part princess. And so smart she helped her human get into the home of her doggy dreams! Now, Sashimi is spilling the kibble to dogs everywhere that they can get a home both they and their human love, with the help of a Wells Fargo mortgage of course.
For this project I came up with the concept, helped my writer with the script, and oversaw casting, production and the edit.
*This video received 11 million unpaid completed views in the first 2 months it was live.
Wells Fargo was so thrilled with how this spot turned out they added TV to their media buy and extended the campaign for another year.
Art Director // Katie Hopkins Copywriter // Jorie Haynes ECD’s // Steven Rutter & Kim Baffi