
Masergy Rebrand & Site Design


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rebrand and site design

Masergy had an identity crisis - despite being recognized as the pioneer in software-defined networking, their branding was trite and expected. Even though they have groundbreaking technologies and a truly unparalleled customer experience, their website was dated and difficult to navigate. We solved these problems by creating a simple, sophisticated, forward thinking brand and site.

This project was a whirlwind to say the least. We created a new visual brand identity and designed the entire site in a month. I created the conceptual brand and was the lead designer on the site design. 


The Visual Identity

When sitting down to create Masergy’s new branding and site, words like certain, distinctive, and innovative came to mind. We decided to create abstract shapes to symbolize each of these key messaging elements. These shapes became the foundation of our new branding and site design.

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Website Design

I designed 22 web pages for this project. Below is an overview of some of my favorites.

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Digital Ads

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Art Director // Katie Hopkins Creative Director // Phil Hunter