a personal project
Yes, this is what it looks like — I created an Instagram for my dog. Right about now you’re probably thinking “oh great another cliché millenial”. I’m not saying you are wrong, but hear me out.
I created Reese.The.Doodle because I was curious if all the social media rules I lived & died by at work actually worked. Guess what they did! In under a year I organically grew Reese’s account to over 16k (lately its been slowly declining because let’s get real who really has time to keep up with their dog’s instagram).
Since starting I have also learned a lot of things I never expected. Like how to create a brand voice from scratch, how to get organic engagement, and what its like to collaborate with brands as an influencer.
So yes maybe you are right, I might be a basic millennial cliché. But in this case is that really such a bad thing?